Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wow, wow

My life has been so great lately!!! And a little crazy. I am a part of a new internet TV show called "Between 2 Arms" that can be seen at our apartment blog here. Basically I'm a star. Or a co-star. With Tyler Crofts. My roommate.

Things have really been changing fast here. Every day I wake up and just wonder if something else is going to happen that rocks my way of life just a little. Without fail, it has. I really don't think much has changed in my own personal life but those I am close to have recently had theirs flipped upside down. Maybe I'm ready for a change too.

A year ago I had a double hernia surgery to repair damage done from lifting weights incorrectly. It was a painful procedure and recovery process. But while I was unconscious my mind was firing like crazy and running so quickly. The nurse attending me as I came out of the anesthetic told me later that I was mumbling about having "figured it out," and had "come up with the formula." Then I asked her repeatedly for a pen a paper until she brought me four small pieces of notepaper and a pen. In my delirious state I filled the pages with the ideas as if they were just running out of my mind onto the paper. Then I fell back unconscious. When I finally came to, the nurse recounted the adventure and gave me the notepaper. To my surprise it was legible and made sense. More than anything though, it was humorous. I put the papers away in a shoebox and didn't get them out again.

Until this semester. My technical writing class requires a self-directed project and paper on the topic of our choice. I decided to dig these pages out a take a look at them again. It really struck me that while unconscious I could come up with a unique idea, and it is unique, and put it on paper. I mean, when does that ever happen?!?! This one had to come from the Big Guy. You know, God? Anyways, it is opening itself up to me and I think this is one of my chances to make an impact and a change in this world. I can't tell you the specifics until I get a little more research done. I don't want to spoil the surprise. Just know that its pretty impressive.

Wow. Boom. Its all the same to me. Happiness. Friends. Attitude is key. Do what you need to do to be successful. Don't look back. Stick to your guns and you'll begin to love the way you live. Don't let others choose your life for you, make those important choices yourself. Don't let people stand in your way, but make your way include stopping by those people that need you. Don't be distracted by the gloom of life when the sun is only rising. The Perfect Day. Ether 12:4. I love everyone that I get to see from day to day. I take the time to try to brighten someone else's day because you took the time to brighten mine. Tonight while I was on duty a girl told me, "Can I tell you something without being creepy? You have a really nice smile." Best feeling ever. You rock!


  1. Bry! I miss ya! I still go sit down by the water on occasion and think about all the awesome conversations we had :)

  2. Bryant, you are wonderful! I'm so glad that I have the opportunity to be your friend :)
