Sunday, April 29, 2012

In-despicable Me

So, there are some things about me that most people just don't know. For example, I didn't get my driver's license until I was almost 18, or when I was 12 I had this beanie baby chameleon that I would take EVERYWHERE, or I used to get so nervous before my wrestling matches that I would get sick and sometimes not be able to compete. BUT. You are about to get the mother of all unknowns about B Boy.

I like Belle. You know, the girl from that Disney movie? Gets kidnapped by the beast guy and even though the best-looking guy in town wants her she ends up falling in love with the beast because he rocks on the inside. Yeah. Belle.

Ok, so I more than like Belle, I have the biggest crush on her. Yeah. And I'll tell you why:

She's beautiful, and she doesn't know it.
Belle is so beautiful. Even when she doesn't try to be. She never once says anything about How she looks because she is so humble about it. Her good looks combined with her humility = beauty.

She takes chances.
After she was kidnapped, she took the time to get to know who the beast really was. She learned of his strengths and his weaknesses. And then, she took a chance. She took the chance that even though there were some things she wasn't sure about, about herself, her relationship with the beast, or especially the beast himself, she chose him. Where others would have opted out she went forward. They didn't know each for very long either. I'd say it worked out well on both sides.

She is solid in what she knows to be true.
Belle is playful, happy, and carefree, but when it comes down to it, she sticks by her beliefs. The whole time they were in the castle she tried to see the world from he beast's perspective, but never sacrificed her own. She really felt like she was just misunderstanding him. That's pretty dang cool.

Cares for people when they're sick.
When people are sick, she takes care of them, analyzes their pain, makes sure they eat well.

Gives great hugs.
She gives the best hugs, the kind that you just keep holding on to. Watch for them when you watch it.

She loves her family.
This is such a major turn on, when a girl loves her family. Belle definitely does. That's why she convinced the beast to let her go find her dad. In fact, she's got such great family relationships that I'm jealous of them sometimes. I mean, people she doesn't even know have blogged about her family. That's how tight they are.

She sings like an angel.
Belle's voice is so soft and gentle, it's like it's rocking a child to sleep and soothing its cares and nightmares away. That voice has the potential to reach inside of you and rip out your heart. You could cry at any instant. But it never does that, just makes you happy. But she doesn't act like she knows how good her voice is either. Which makes it 10 times better when you get to hear it.

That's why I like Belle so much. Tell your friends. It is no longer a secret who Bryant likes, it's out in the open. So come at me bro.


  1. I will come at you in two years!!! You better watch out!

  2. I think you are giving Belle more credit than she deserves...I mean..."Look there she goes that girl is strange, no question. Dazed and distracted, can't you tell? Never part of any crowd, cause her head's up on some cloud. No denying she's a funny girl, that Belle." Okay fine, I love this post :) I agree with Emily. You're so cool, Bryant Boyer.

    1. Um.. What?! Just cuz all the townspeople that she runs into don't know how awesome she is just makes her more of a gem; more valuable. Because then the people who really know her feel that much more special! Translate THAT!

      And thanks :)
