Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Making a Difference

“To live for results would be to sentence myself to continuous frustration. My only sure reward is in my actions and not from them.”Hugh Prather
I presented my research paper this morning. I included it below (I won't feel bad in the SLIGHTEST if you don't read it. It's pretty hefty):

The Cover page graphic was distorted in the PDF above. ANYWAY, It struck me today that the class I presented my research paper to was intrigued, but that's where our connection stopped. I sensed that they did not share, in the slightest, MY view of how much this can change the world. This WILL make a difference someday. I realized then that its all about how I feel. If I honestly felt like pursuing this course of study and research would change the world, which I do, then not doing so would destroy a part of my soul. I'd always wonder. It's not about whether or not I make a difference, its only about whether or not I try.

Incidentally, I got an iPad last week. I got the Draw Something app on it. Turns out I'm a pretty good artist:

Just sayin'

Also, I can do accents really well now that I watched several youtube videos that basically teach you everything you need to know. Here is a video Carlie and I watching and learning from the youtube videos. Enjoy :)


  1. YEESSS :)"I LIKE DUCKS!" This never gets old. Ever. I'm posting this on my blog too...the world needs to see. Let's make another one. Also congratulations on saving the world and your new artistic abilities. Gimme some Kurt.
