Thursday, May 3, 2012

8 Million Stories

Ok, so now that everyone knows how MANLY I am after dedicating an entire post to a disney princess, I have no problem saying that my mom just gave me an iTunes gift card and by the end of the day I will probably be the proud owner of one or more One Direction Song(s).

This is going to be like a picture book, because I just have so many pictures that I'll let them tell the stories. If you have your 3D glasses readily available, please put them on and enjoy a pop-up book. If they aren't readily available, and I mean readily available, then don't worry about it. They don't actually work.

Let me start with this guy:

Tyler David Crofts
Tyler chose to become a missionary for the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints yesterday. He will be serving in the Hermosillo Mexico mission from May 2010 to May 2012. Its a lot of commitment, especially for Tyler and his promising career in the entertainment business, which makes this decision even more respectable. Tyler and I had a lot of good moments and memories:

Yeah, we did it all. Played life by nose. Lived it up pretty good too. I know you all are grateful to Ttyler for something he did to change your life. If you don't think he hasn't then go here: Overheard in Broadbent 23, find a video, watch it, then look in the mirror and without breaking eye contact try to tell yourself that Tyler hasn't changed your life. Yeah, I thought so. You all should take a couple seconds and write Elder Crofts a couple sentences about how awesome he is. Here is how you do it.
1) Go here:
2) Select "Provo MTC" from the drop down menu.
3) Click "Write a Missionary."
4) Enter your real name or a creative psuedonym to conceal your identity.
5) Write your address just in case Tyler decides to write you back.
6) Leave "Elder" in the drop down menu and enter "Tyler" in the first box, and "Crofts" in the second box.
7) In the last set of boxes, Enter "233" in the first, "MEX-HER 0626" in the second, and I really don't know when Tyler is leaving the MTC but I think it is somewhere around June 13th so put something around then. 
8) Enter your email address
9) Fill out the box with as little or as much as Tyler deserves, then click send letter. We'll all be glad that you did.

There, just 9 easy steps to happiness.

Now that that is taken care of, I want to show you all how good I've gotten at DrawSomething. Seriously, I rock. But judge for yourselves :P

Yeah, I guess you can start a game with me if you like.

There have been some things that I've had to adjust to coming home. For starters, I don't live with 58 awesome guys, or have hundreds of friends within 1/8 of a mile of my apartment. Instead I have this:

My backyard
Yeah, its cool. Its different, hard to get used to, but awesome. Oh and there's the tree house. Has two fold-out beds and is wired up with electricity. Come visit! I've had to get used to these roommates too:

One thing that didn't take very long to get used to?

I even filmed a video in it. I LOVE that Jeep.

So much more to talk about!!! We'll all have to wait for part 2 of this picture book. Coming soon.


  1. YOU HAVE KITTIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to hug them.

    1. Haha you would. Enjoy the Avengers!

    2. Oh you know I did!!! I've already seen it twice.

  2. kittens AND one direction in the same post!?! definitely the best post ever. just sayin'.

  3. So when are you going to draw me something? It's your turn and we're so close!

  4. Cats....possibly worse than your bear problem.
