Friday, May 25, 2012

Sweet Summer Nights

I've been thinking a lot lately. About a lot of things. About life, happiness, seizing moments, communication, and so many other topics.

Mostly about happiness.

I remembered a long time ago when I really didn't have a clue what happiness was. I sat down and wondered what kinds of things could give you happiness. I remember taking this question to my Mom and saying "You know? Like what if the days I wear Blue I am happier. What if the color Blue makes me happy? If I knew that then I would always wear Blue." Apart from the irony of the color Blue making someone happy, I lacked some comprehension about external stimuli and their effect of the human mind, in stark contrast to the power of cognitive awareness and capability of choice.

When I'm at work I listen to podcasts. Yeah, I'm a hipster. Totally did it before it was cool. I listen to everything from workout podcasts to psychology podcasts. In fact, here is something I've been listening to a lot of studies about. Check out this video:

Unfortunately I had already heard the studies when I watched the video so I couldn't say whether or not it worked for me. Hopefully is was an eye opener to you! We often think that stuff out of the ordinary will catch our attention. That if a child runs out in the road our mind will automatically draw our attention away from our phone call and to it. Or, if we get put into a dangerous situation we will be level headed. Or, if we are in a crowd of people we will turn our heads when someone even whispers our names. This study showed me that it is quite to the contrary. How can people miss that Gorilla in the video and be so confident in themselves and multi-tasking? SO many interesting things to learn out there.

I also watched the first two seasons of White Collar. For the overwhelming majority, love it!

I get my stitches out tomorrow. I don't want to do it!

Started rebuilding the jeep engine tonight. hoping to get most of it done tomorrow.

Talk in church on Sunday? Yes please!!!

The flawed diamond is better than the perfect pebble. - Chinese Proverb

Back to happiness. I am doing plenty of personal studies with happiness. If you know me, you know it has to do with formulas, charts, excel spreadsheets, and plenty of analysis. I'll let you know what I find out but for now I'd be too embarrassed to say exactly what my approach is. It would reveal too much about who I really am :)

Oh, and so glad to have Monica on board writing for Overheard in Broadbent 23. She recalled a HILARIOUS incident from last year that you might have to read... (Click Here).


  1. Haha. I love the chinese subtitles on that video! (I love that vid btw)

  2. 2 blog posts in a week? This is like Christmas! haha
