Thursday, January 19, 2012

Eat what you want and have no regrets!

You know what? I've been having cravings lately. A choice few of you know that I ingested 7 pounds of ginger snaps last November and early December. In my defense it would have only been 6 pounds but a thoughtful friend brought me an extra bag (Aw, how nice!) Then it was graham crackers with frosting (2 cans of chocolate frosting to one big box of grahams), vegetable crackers (throw it away!),  toast with peanut butter and chocolate frosting... I've been a mess. Oh, and that last one almost tastes like nutella (Amanda, this could help you get through your withdrawals. Also, I think you deserve a moment of silence for the loss of your nutella).

And really, all these things make me feel downright disgusting. Always. And I promise I'm not pregnant.

The point is, sometimes you want something and you don't know why. Sometimes it's because it tastes SO GOOD! But mostly you just don't know why. Sometimes the things you want are bad for you and you know that they'll make you miserable, but you just can't stay away from their peanut-buttery-chocolately-goodness. Just remember, life isn't about giving in to cravings and impulses, its about making the conscious decision to do what's enriching for you and those who are around you. And whatever will preserve lasagna longer, I love lasagna. And thumbs up for rock and roll!!

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. You shouldn't encourage my eating habits! I'm like a hobbit... First breakfast, second breakfast, second and half breakfast, light snack, brunch, pre-lunch, Lunch, post-lunch cool down snack, a series of (or constant stream of) snackage throughout the afternoon, Dinner, dessert, evening snack, late night consumption of something tasty. We should start a support group...

    1. Yeah, lets start a support group! I'll bring the refreshments :)

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. hahaha THROW IT AWAY!! I like that. :D
