Monday, January 16, 2012

We're Back!

I'M BACK! And guess what? E-mail, Calendar, and Cell Phone integration are not big deals like they were back in the day (see my previous blog post here). In fact, the rarity now is finding a phone that doesn't. Wow, now I feel old. Maybe I should write a will like Tyler did.
There is an epidemic sweeping through my closest friends. No, it's not the chicken pox. No, it's not The Black Plague. No, it's not Influenza. AIDS aren't even contagious. Tyler, stop asking questions. It was a metaphor. You know what? Forget it.
A lot of the people around me have taken up blogging. I check them all a lot. Actually, everyday. Some of them I sit on the edge of seat waiting for the next post. You know who you are. I once paid a man to post because I couldn't take it anymore.
No, but really I love all of this blogging. It gives me a chance to read into people a little more than they let the general public in on. It's so intriguing to combine this knowledge with what I already know about them. I call it their blog-self. No big deal, just came up with it on my own.
On an unrelated note, people say as they get older that time goes faster. We know that time doesn't actual move at a different pace. Therefore, we must be moving faster in comparison to the time as we observe it. According to the theory of relativity that means that time appears to contract. Ultimately, because we think time moves faster as we get older we get shafted and die sooner.

Happy Step-Child!

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